I stepped into our campus library

A temple of learning

Where nurturing minds seek refuge

And I held my breath

Just witnessing to the shelves stretching long and wide

Mesmerized by the vast enchantment

Trapped in the labyrinth of books.

I walked and browsed through the shelves

A haven of books

Each one numbered

And in proper order kept

Knowing each one was a boundless symphony of wisdom

A treasure trove of knowledge unsurpassed

“Please hold me and take me home” they whispered aloud in chorus

Their silent shouts woven together

Ready to defy the dignified camaraderie shared

In an embrace of their hallowed domain.

The Sun poured its best light

Through the tall glass windows

In a world of pages, where enlightenment burns

As the books journey together

Embodying unknown depths of knowledge

A quiet recluse for them to stay in dignity

Perhaps untouched

Or even unopened

Waiting for a seeker to find solace.

Down the years

With intellect frozen between the covers

Dusted well and labelled clearly

They stand tall with dignity

Beyond the hours of day and night

Timeless and eternal.

I held my book close to my body

Not because

Every syllable in the words had a pinch of my soul clinging there

But because she was born amidst tears of pain

During a troubled time, crystalized for eternity

Bearing a voice hidden in its world of pages.

Can I leave her here in peace I asked myself.

You will never be alone, I told my book, tenderly

You will have a life of your own

With All these books

You will wake and sleep

In another world of hope

Just waiting patiently

For someone to touch you with the fingertips

Devouring your lines with eager eyes

Judge you and take you home perhaps for a week or two

And return

Knowing this is your home

Where you belong.

And then some someday when I will be gone

On weathered pages

My legacy will dawn

An ancient voice will speak, my words alive

In the hallowed shelves where stories survive.

10th June 2023