By Sanjukta Das

The Trivial


The Perfect

Echoes Of Existence

In the delicate dance between prose and poetry, my latest creation, “The Trivial And The Perfect: Echoes of Existence”, emerges as a collection of whispers from the depths of my soul. Each page is a canvas painted with emotions, experiences, and reflections, blurring the lines between prose and poetry.

Sanjukta Das

Born and educated in India, she migrated to Canada in her forties and is now an author based in Toronto, Canada.

Right from her childhood, Sanjukta was always inspired by Arts. In the tumult of her busy career as a placement advisor, where she is in constant interaction with students, poetry emerged to her as an inviting and consoling outlet with a unique power to let go and move on, connecting her to the calling of her life: writing.

She is also an ardent advocate of women empowerment and inspirational speaker who speaks on topics like self-love, mental health, and her journey as an immigrant woman.

Sanjukta Das

My Blog – Be Inspired!

The Power of a Vacation

The Power of a Vacation

Rejuvenate and Return to Work with Renewed Vigour After a blissful vacation in Italy, I am back with a renewed sense of energy and fresh perspectives. The vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and delicious cuisine of Italy have not only rejuvenated my mind and spirit but also enriched my creativity and productivity. I love to plan a vacation myself, as it adds value to my passion for traveling. In this blogpost, I wish to to tell you why taking a vacation is essential for returning to work with full force, what are the benefits of taking a vacation, the importance of a vacation and what are it's mental health benefits. Vacation to me is for stress relief and I believe in boosting productivity with a vacation. Being someone who enjoys photography and writing, I feel my creativity is enhanced through travel. Vacations are mood lifters and plays a pivotal role in creating a work-life balance. Mental Refreshment One of the most significant reasons of my taking a vacation is the mental refreshment it provides me. Stepping away from the daily grind allowed my brain to rest and recover from continuous work stress. In Italy, the stunning vistas of Tuscany, the historical grandeur of Rome, and the serene canals of Venice offered a complete break from my routine. This mental downtime has cleared my mind, making room for new ideas and perspectives. This trip was indeed traveling for inspiration Enhanced Creativity Traveling has always exposed me to new experiences, cultures, and ways of thinking. In Italy, I immersed myself in art, history, and the everyday life of the locals. These experiences...