By Sanjukta Das

The Trivial


The Perfect

Echoes Of Existence

In the delicate dance between prose and poetry, my latest creation, “The Trivial And The Perfect: Echoes of Existence”, emerges as a collection of whispers from the depths of my soul. Each page is a canvas painted with emotions, experiences, and reflections, blurring the lines between prose and poetry.

Sanjukta Das

Born and educated in India, she migrated to Canada in her forties and is now an author based in Toronto, Canada.

Right from her childhood, Sanjukta was always inspired by Arts. In the tumult of her busy career as a placement advisor, where she is in constant interaction with students, poetry emerged to her as an inviting and consoling outlet with a unique power to let go and move on, connecting her to the calling of her life: writing.

She is also an ardent advocate of women empowerment and inspirational speaker who speaks on topics like self-love, mental health, and her journey as an immigrant woman.

Sanjukta Das

My Blog – Be Inspired!

Shakti in Six Yards And Autumn Radiance

Shakti in Six Yards And Autumn Radiance

As the golden leaves fall, I reflect on the strength women carry within. Last year, I captured moments with incredible women, draped in saris—a symbol of grace and the Shakti within us. Like nature, we transform, embracing change with resilience and turning challenges into growth. The power of Shakti, like autumn’s hues, lights up everything we touch

Finding A Balance

Finding A Balance

Life often feels like a race, and in the haste, we lose the ability to truly notice or appreciate what surrounds us. The rush drains the wonder, thrill, and beauty from our experiences. In fact when we're in a hurry, clarity slips away - our ability to perceive, observe, and express becomes muddled. The irony of chasing happiness is that it often robs us of the joy it promises. It keeps us from savoring the present moment, caught in a whirlwind of urgency without even knowing why. This rush becomes so ingrained that it feels almost instinctual. But there’s power in pausing and becoming aware of this restless energy. It seems almost paradoxical to speed up in order to slow down. Yet, by simply recognizing the rush within you, it begins to dissolve. Slowing down isn’t synonymous with idleness or procrastination—although it's easy to fall into either extreme, moving between frantic action and inertia. This rushing stems from a restless sense of lack or the pressure to achieve. On the other hand, true dynamism in us arises from a place of contentment and fulfillment. The secret lies in staying awake and being aware. When we are fully present, dynamism flows effortlessly, aligning us with life’s natural...

Personal Branding And Writing

Personal Branding And Writing

Is Personal Branding and Writing Related?   Writing has always been a part of me, whether jotting down reflections on social media, crafting stories, or birthing poetry. But it wasn’t until I started seriously thinking about my brand that I understood the power of the written word. I realized that writing is not merely a vehicle for communicating ideas; it’s not meant to be confined to just me and myself. Writing is a mirror reflecting who we are and what we value, possessing a supernatural ability to connect with the world. It's through the words entire cultures were shaped. Through these words, we build trust and convey our unique voice to the world. It's through the words we can heal, help, and transform. It's through the words we can establish and grow our branding.   Reflecting on the unseen connections is what I like to do. To see the unseen. To find the hidden. To cry out the silence. In one of these “unseens”, “hidden” and “silents” I found the place for personal branding. What is it? Is it important? Can I change the world, even a bit, if I brand myself? And what about my passion for writing? Is it related? Can I somehow connect these two and transform them into a beautiful and meaningful picture?   So again and again I asked myself is Personal Branding and Writing Related? A question that fascinated me as I often find myself drawn to the unseen connections in life. I love uncovering the hidden, giving voice to the silent, and finding meaning in what others might overlook. Personal branding, I believe, resides in...