In the journey of life

A lot of people jumped onto the train

Towards a destination

Called “Friendship”

Some found the journey

Tedious and uncomfortable

A journey wearisome and arduos

And jumped off very fast

Some stayed on


Midway through the journey they encountered bliss

And claimed it was enough.

And a little later boarded a better train

Some carried on

Where the seats were cushioned with ‘Mutual respect’ they said

And it made their journey more comfortable

Bestowing solace upon their travel

Some grew weary

And claimed the journey was demanding

Their steps turned wobbly

They bid their goodbyes, seeking paths unknown

Leaving behind memories, like seeds that are sown.

Only a few steadfast travelers waited for the terminus

Amidst the hustle and bustle

Weathering storms

Leaning on each other they forged ahead.

They stayed on the train

Through every twist and turn

Shared laughter and tears

As they traveled together

Venturing ahead

Supporting one another’s dreams

Towards this unpredictable destination

Called “Friendship of Life”.

The train rattled through valleys of doubt

Climbed mountains of challenges

But for the trusted traveller-camaraderie

The journey continued.

Suddenly one night

The clickety-clack sound on the tracks

Raised alarm

The speed was high

And the travelers thought they will get thrown off the tracks

Holding on to a precious few hands

When the train started rattling on the track

They prayed

Knowing they are in it together

No matter what

Their grip was strong with connection

With a profound and unwavering bond established.

Through twists and turns

The camaraderie unfurled

As the train chugged on.

Hearts intertwined

In moments of vulnerability

They remained in faith

Through the highs and lows

They weathered the ride.

The journey continues

Intertwined with those

Who could not forsake the bond

Those who chose to endure until the very end.


The journey continues

Bound forevermore

For they steadfast and true, held the hands tight

Choosing resilience

Braving every plight

Till the very last destination they reach

Together they journey

As eternal friends

16th June 2023