(Dedicated to the WonderBlue of Jasper&Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada)

In the heart of the Earth’s canvas lies a gem

A tranquil piece of artistry that goes by the name of Jasper&Banff’s Blue.

It’s a shade that beckons the mind to wander

To lose itself in the depths of a traveler’s roaming desire.

Imagine a crystal

Polished by time

Revealing layers of blue that mirror the calm expanse of the sky on a rippleless serenity.

Each hue is a moment of peacefulness

A tranquil drop of blue eternity

Like a whispered secret

A quiet reflection of distant mountains on the unperturbed waters of the lake.

The blue is more than a color

It’s a feeling

A sense of peace that enveloped me the moment I gazed upon it

A blue that evokes memories of childhood calendar-picture days.

So known

Yet unknown.

It’s as if the polished crystal itself Held the essence of a permanent blue calmness

Inviting gazers like us

To forget the chattering chaos that goes on in the mind

Melting and merging into the solace of its gentle embrace.

In the quiet depths of our conversation

The unique blue whispered stories of ancient oceans to me

Of times long past when the world was a different place.

It shared with me the ageless wisdom of life and death

Reminding me of the vastness of existence and the continuity of life.

The big mind behind it all

And the small mind that claims “I know it all”.

You and I are not different, it said.

Come sit closer

You will know it.

Feel it.

Gazing into the Blue

I could hear the soft lapping of waves against distant shores

Of the tranquil forests of spruce, pines and fir

Where echoes of life melodies lie trapped in millions of pine cones.

Cones that will burst into life

Of coniferous trees, like unsung heroes.

BanffJasper’s blue transcended every physical realm

Transporting me to a place of deep serenity

Of Mantra chants

And Meditations

Where selfish thoughts dissipate

Like mist in the morning sun.

It’s a treasure we found in the heart of the Earth

A piece of art crafted by time

And Nature’s patient hand.

The blue is a testament

Of the beauty that Nature’s pallete decides



Waiting to be witnessed

By those who dare to look a little closer

To appreciate the azure wonder Not man made.

With every glance at the magical Blue

The mind got gently disentangled

There was a shared origin, I realized.

Then suddenly

There was no you and I

We were one.

Our encounters were no more

Interactions of awe

They were moments of reconnections

Affirmations of a bond

Old and strong

Unbreakable by the illusion of time.

The Enchanted Blue

And I

Were simply one.

There was no separation.

Our source was the same.

We were one.

From the same cosmic clay we emerged

Our oneness defied

Every superficial boundary of forms

There was a deeper unity

The blue and I.