About Me!


I’m Sanjukta Das

Born and educated in India, she migrated to Canada in her forties and is now an author based in Toronto, Canada.

Right from her childhood, Sanjukta was always inspired by the Arts. In the tumult of her busy career as a placement advisor, where she is in constant interaction with students, poetry emerged to her as an inviting and consoling outlet with a unique power to let go and move on, connecting her to the calling of her life: writing. 

author sanjukta das

Life Outside Of Writing

Sanjukta is an educator, an ‘Art of Living’ meditation teacher, the founder of WINGS (Women’s Initiatives to Nurture, Grow & Support) a non-profit organization for women, and a life coach. When she is not busy writing, she loves meeting immigrant women and international students, getting to know their problems and helping them to settle in this country that they have chosen to make their own.


Her mission is to help people to find hope, inner strength, and gather the courage to start again. She hopes that more people around the world will find ways to unapologetically express their selves and encourage people to learn how to meditate and reach their full potential.


Sanjukta is currently working on her second book and immersing herself in her next creative endeavour. She hopes to continue exploring expression and the art of healing through her favourite genre of prose poetry for years to come.

When asked how she feels as a published author, she claims, “This book is a reminder to all creators, that sometimes, even the most extraordinary talent can go unnoticed in an ordinary environment. But I have been very lucky! There are brilliant minds, and gifted professionals, all around me where I work and the recognition and appreciation, I receive is much more than I deserve. I feel blessed I work in an academic environment that is very encouraging and inclusive and has helped me to become the person I am today. A workplace that has molded me to find my worth, as an immigrant woman who believed in her skills to ‘connect’, and who followed her heart, feeling proud her workplace has helped her thrive. As my book was published, I felt appreciated; a place where my talents are valued, and my voice is heard.

So, to all the creators, the dreamers, and the makers, listen to your instincts, follow your heart, and recognize your worth. If you have a gift to share with the world, a tale to tell, a song to sing. Please don’t wait! The time is now!”

My Books


My Twirls – The said and the unsaid

Is a collection of prose poems with sketches that paved the path to healing and claiming the personal well-being of the author.

In this debut collection of prose poems, Sanjukta discovers the therapeutic quality of writing poetry and sketching along with it. The loss of her mother and other turns in her family structure in 2022, transported her to a space of profound loss. Her grief led her to write. In her writing, she found solace.

Book Review

"Your strength, your resilience, your innovative spirit, your caring / sharing soul, your deep understanding of human nature, your ability to forgive ( but not necessarily forget so you can draw life lessons ) , your humanity, your humility, your ability to celebrate every life moment, your willingness to grab any opportunity - large or small , your dedication and passion, your cheerfulness and humor , your language talent & imagination, your compassion for the less lucky, your gratitude for whatever came your way …. In other words all your twirls … needed to be said. No one is happier than I that you have started on this journey… I am certain many will be inspired or healed by your shared experiences. So happy to be a part of your journey"

Bishakha Ghosh Sen

"Dearest Sanjukta Dee! I was eagerly waiting for your beautiful book. It arrived in the mail box just like the breeze of fresh air, filled with fragrance and Sunshine. My eyes were sparkling with joy, walked home with a smile in my heart and opened the most treasured gift that was full of love in it ❤️"

Smriti Dash

"This prose poetry e- book is captivating and has an aura that stays with you for long. The illustrations are simple but meaningful giving an edge to the poetry. The author has definitely poured her heart out and will resonate at your heart strings somewhere."

Nilanjana Bhattacharyya

"This Christmas I received this beautiful gift of a just-released book - from the writer herself! The wonderfully warm-hearted and incredibly generous Sanjuktadi is a woman of many talents - and the amazing thing about her is that she, unfailingly and unhesitatingly, has time for everyone. I’m lucky to be part of her world. From the little that I have skim-read after downloading the book, the poems are suffused with the same optimism, affection and poignancy that Sanjuktadi has come to epitomise."

Jonakee Chandra 

"While I am reading, it's touching every drop of emotions that's running in my blood. My selfish prayer to God is that ... One day He also blesses me with the wisdom and peace that this book is spreading. It's a light of insight to every soul I guess."

Sampurna Ghosh

"Hi, so i just started reading this book and i must say about the versatility and the emotions that each and every poem hold, like how beautifully the experiences have been moulded into words and expressed in such a gentle manner. “The love” i really love that poem which i say is a must read for all the readers. Looking forward to read this book more and explore more beauty in it! I really recommend everyone to read it, one can really relate with the poems ❤️"

Gurpreet Singh

"I had the pleasure of meeting Professor Sanjukta Das in person, and little did I know that in addition to being an extremely dedicated person to her students, she was also a writer. When I heard about her book launch with profound poems describing the challenges of the loss of her dear mother and the return of her son to his homeland, I immediately acquired this magnificent book. I recommend purchasing this book, I'm sure that just like me you will also leave this reading extremely touched and stronger."
